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TWF Bucks Gazillion vs Hometown Huck
ThumbWrestlingFederation Hometown Huck VS The Scorchion
TWF Bucks Gazillion vs mr extremo
Hitler finds out Bucks Gazillion won the TWF S3 Championship
Thumb Wrestling Federation: Season 3 - all defeats
Senator Skull v Hometown Huck
Hometown Huck vs Flashback (Thumb Wrestling Federation HIWHMI)
Royal Thumble Game Hometown Huck vs. Evil Ira
TWF the show Season 2 episode 7 Hometown Huck vs Scoutmaster Scott
TWF S5EP5 Sick Vic VS Hometown Huck
Bucks Gazillion vs James Montgomery Flag (Thumb Wrestling Federation HIWHMI)
Twf the show episode 2 Bucks Gazillion vs Vini Vidi Victory